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Code Words You Use When All You Really Want To Say Is S.E.X!

There's 1,001 code words for the big S.E.X. ... some are really dirty (believe us you don't want to look up Alabama Hot Pocket, OK!) and some are just coded words that people use as innuendo when they're ready to sneak away but don't want to alert the whole office / party / family dinner.
We've compiled a list of those harmless, coded words (the dirty ones are a slideshow for another day). So, sit back and take notes about how to signal to your lover the next time you need a quick getaway.

Afternoon delight

Sky rockets in flight / Afternoon delight. An afternoon delight sounds like a sweet treat offered in the late day—maybe with a cup of tea. Well, it's a treat, but it has nothing to do with baked goods or tea.
Afternoon Delight is the name of a 1976 song by the Starland Vocal Band. The song, which contains innuendo about casual daytime sex (or an afternoon delight) was a hit. Because of the song’s popularity, afternoon delight has become well-recognized as a term for a midday sexual encounter, often between or instead of scheduled events. For a more modern usage of the song, think Anchorman.


Diddle can mean "to waste time" or "to swindle someone" out of a lot of money. But, not in this case.
The expression, which refers to "moving back and forth in a rapid motion," is actually a cutesy way to say masturbating, which came about in the 50s (and is referenced in the 2007 novel, The Interloper by Antoine Wilson). Can't you just picture that 50's mom talking about her son's diddling? Ha! No wonder he's currently in therapy.


Toma is based on the everyday Spanish verb tomar, "to take." Grammatically, toma can mean "he/she/it takes" or the imperative "take (something)."
As a slang term, toma is largely regional, found in parts of South America and Cuba. An equivalent slang word for toma is cogerIn 2004, Cuban-American rapper Pitbull released a single with rapper Lil John called "Toma," where he uses the word in a sexually-explicit context. In the song, his lyrics "Abre las pierna'/ y dale toma!" translate to "Open your legs and go, take it!" Ok then.


Smoosh just sounds cute. It reminds us of adorable pups with smooshed faces (think mini bulldog, aww). But, this word can also be a sexual phrase used to describe two bodies "smooshing" together during the act. Makes sense since smoosh's formal definition is "to mash or push, especially to push down or in." Graphic, no?
The Jersey Shore's Snooki (Nicole Polizzi) was one of the first to use it during the 2000s, followed by the characters of South Park in the 2015 spoof "It's a Jersey Thing."


Sure, you can use the term smashed when referring to intoxication, but you can also use it to describe sex, of course.
Seen in Randy Kearse's book, "Street Talk: Da Official Guide to Hip-Hop & Urban Slanguage," smash is that moment when two people engage in sex (and it ain't the sweet and gentle kind). ​


When used as a hashtag on social media, cupcakeing refers to those professionals who create customized individual-sized cakes. But, without the hashtag, this term (which possibly derives from the concept of "being sweet" on someone) relates to couples and their public display of affection, involving groping, kissing, and rubbing.
It can also refer to their yearning to stay in and get busy (seen in Jane Millington's 2015 novel, Manicorn) rather than spending time out with friends.


My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard." The song "Milkshake" by Kelis came out in 2003 and peaked at #3 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart later that year.
As Kelis is singing about a woman who is irresistible to men, milkshake is clearly a metaphor or euphemism, though its exact meaning is ambiguous. People wondered what it could mean. Some speculate milkshake refers to oral sex, as Kelis also sings about how she could “teach you” about her superior milkshake. Others though milkshake signifies her breasts. Milkshake, after all, has been slang for “breasts” since the 1910s, crazy right?
Kelis herself has attempted to put a rest to the confusion as to what milkshake means. At first, when the song was initially released in 2003, she said that milkshake is something sensual that makes a woman stand out, even suggesting breasts or butt. In 2017, however, Kelis stated that milkshake as a metaphor “means lots of things.” As a metaphor, Kelis’s milkshake likens the special quality that makes a woman attractive like the dessert as a delicious treat. So, use it however you want ... as long as it's for sexual stuff of course.

Making bacon

Making bacon sounds pretty innocent—and delicious. We can almost smell the grease sizzling on the frypan.
However, when not referencing food (or making money), this expression can also mean intercourse (just ask 1970s indie band the Pork Dukes who sing about it their song, "Making Bacon"). No actual bacon required (unless you want to try something new).


Gazzing is very close to the word gazing, which makes it sound kind of romantic (think gazing into each other's eyes).
But, you're probably not looking into anyone's eyes when you're performing this slang term (as discussed in The Big Black Book of Very Dirty Words by Alexis Munier in 2010) —you're too busy having an orgasm to lock eyes with anyone.

Heavy petting

Originated back in 1952, the expression heavy petting refers to intense caressing (you know, down below) between two people in a hot and heavy make out session. However, this act usually ends at petting and doesn't actually lead up to sex itself.


Twig-n-berries sets a picturesque nature scene when you first hear the phrase. However, metaphorically, there are no real berries or twigs from a beautiful tree in nature.
This expression is sex slang for a male's erection, which started to become popular on college campuses back in the 2000s. Not so scenic anymore.


There's nothing cuter than a loveable, playful kitten—but we're not talking about the feline here.
A kitty in sexual terms refers to a woman's vagina, a play off the word, pussy, which might have derived from the Old Norse word puss (meaning pocket pouch).

Just can't get enough of coded slang for getting dirty?

Check out the oldest slang words for S.E.X. here—even the Puritans needed to talk about sex somehow ...

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